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Our company is built on cutting-edge technology, with a frontend powered by React and NextJs, communicating with a Laravel 9 REST API. We utilize AWS EC2 Ubuntu servers and are protected by an AWS EC2 load balancer. Our data is stored in an AWS RDS MySQL database and we utilize AWS Elasticache Redis for increased performance.

We implement continuous integration using AWS Code Commit, CodePipelines, and CodeBuild. Our API is comprised of a monolith API and a few microservices, each serving a specific purpose. We use a testing, staging, and production environment to ensure a seamless release process.

Our development process is informed by Extreme Programming (XP) principles, including continuous integration into a shared branch, test-driven development, pair programming, refactoring, and small releases. Our goal is to provide our customers with high-quality, secure, and efficient technology.

  • Morada Rua Doutor Antonio Elvas 14, 2.
    2810-164 Almada
  • Fundada em 2020
  • Nº colaboradores 1-10
  • Website
  • Redes Sociais LinkedIn
  • Telefone 302010203

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