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We are a leading pure-play cybersecurity company. We believe in the pervasive, rapidly evolving and increasingly complex nature of cyber criminality. Our mission is to reduce our customers cyber risk exposure.

S21sec was founded as the first Spanish cybersecurity
company in 2000. During these years, cybercrime has evolved
at a breathtaking pace into an organised, sophisticated,
criminal front that affects individuals and organisations globally.

Cybersecurity is a priority issue for our customers, who are
global leaders of their sectors with structures that need the
best protection. They rely on S21sec—our commitment is to
fulfill their security requirements. S21sec also has a solid
background of cooperation with public and government

We believe in the increasing complexity and evolution of
today's threats. Our mission is to reduce our customers’
cyber risk exposure. S21sec has, therefore, created ,
the next-gen cyber threat intelligence centre to solve these
problems and be a response to the most advanced threats in
the world.

SIGMA 21 is S21sec's Cyber Threat Intelligence Centre, where all the services combine to create the most advanced protection. The three intelligence areas and their different modules (Advanced Cybersecurity Services, Professional Services, and SOC / CERT Services) are the natural evolution of our services—developed
by experienced professionals with one single goal: to maximise our customers’ cyber-resilience.

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